New edition of the animal experimentation and fish wellfare course
Published on 13/06/2024
Since 2016, DAC team holds with the faculty of sciences of Nancy a further course on animal experimentation focused on fish wellfare. The goals.for the learners are to manage the good laboratory practises concerning the fish model, to know fish anatomy, to manage the concepts of wellfare and pain, to gain theoretical and practise-based knowledge on fish handling and maintenance, and finally to know the legislation on animal experimentation.
From 5 to 7 June, twelve learners (PhD students, technicians, engineers, scientiists) have been hosted at the EPA and on the faculty campus.As usual, they come from all over France (INRAE, Universities, Nationam Musuem, French Biodiversity Agency, Brain Institute, Nancy Brabois IUT) and they had the opportunity to discover the charactéristics and the assets of our animal facility.