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International scientific symposium : Chlordécone, connaitre pour agir

Published on 08/12/2022

A large part of the MRCA team will travel to Guadeloupe for the conference, which will be held from 12 to 14 December 2022. This will be an opportunity for the team to present its work in the form of 10 posters and 3 oral presentations. The conference is organised by the National Scientific Steering Committee (CPSN) and the Local Coordination of Research on Chlordecone in the Antilles (CLoReCA) of the Chlordecone IV plan. The team's work will also be presented during the workshop on 15 and 16 December in Guadeloupe and Martinique on "Securing terrestrial animal production in contaminated areas: scientific advances and concrete applications".

For more information: lien vers le site du colloque

See the illustration for 'International scientific symposium : Chlordécone, connaitre pour agir'
