Thesis defence of Nellya AMOUSSOU
Published on 26/11/2022
Nellya will defend her thesis on December 8th 2022 in the "salle des actes" in the faculty of Sciences. The theis entitled "Development of a decison support tool for the choice of the association of fish species in aquaculture" has been supervised by Marielle Thomas, Thomas Lecocq and Alain Pasquet (URAFPA, DAC).
The jury is :
Emmanuelle ROQUE D'ORBCASTEL, Researcher IFREMER
Carole ROUGEOT Head of works, Liège Univesity
Stéphane BETOULLE, Professor, Reims University
Elisabeth GROSS, Professor, Lorraine University
Patrick KESTEMONT, Professor, Namur University
Christophe ROBIN, Professor, Lorraine University
Jean-Lichel MORTILLARO, Researcher, CIRAD
You can find here the URL of connexion in case you attend to assist the defence by videoconference.