Welcome To Paula and Camille
Published on 30/06/2021
In the context of two complementary agreements about aquaponics development, the DAC team has recruited on one hand a german post-doctoral researcher, Paula Senff (Interreg program GR VA Perciponie, April 2021- december 2022), and on the other hand a study engineer, Camille Fourrier (regional cooperation program with the Ferme de l'Abbaye, june 2021-august 2023).
Paula obtained her PhD at the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research in Bremen, Germany (defense in march 2021) in the field of aquatic ecology. She will mainly study the effects of plants and biomolecules produced by plants on pike-perch wellfare. Camille has also obtanied a PhD (2020) in Aix-Marseille University, at the Mediterranean Institute of marine and terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology. She will participate to the caracterization and improvement of performances of the aquaponics production of the Ferme de l'Abbaye.