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Bioavailability Bioactivity Platform (Bio-DA)

The Bioavailability Bioactivity Platform (Bio-DA)’s main objective is to provide the biological models and expertise to evaluate and study the bioavailability or bioactivities of various types of molecules, including the characterization of positive or negative effects on the biological targets or models of interest.

Bio-DA was labeled StAR label in 2020 to meet the quality goals of the INFRA+ program of the I-SITE Lorraine University of Excellence (LUE),

BioDA is available for scientific collaborations or contract services with partners in the public or private sector.


This platform, located at ENSAIA (Brabois UL campus, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy), provides the means of collaboration in numerous scientific projects, offering state-of-the-art equipment, the savoir-faire and in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo models of bioavailability and bioactivities.

BioDA meets the technical and regulatory requirements applicable to establishments using animals for scientific purposes that are necessary for studies on bioavailability and bioactivity, and have acquired the certification by the appropriate agency.

The diversity of animal models and the equipment available at the platform allows multi-step approach: in vitro, in vivo or in silico, offering the possibility of experimentation in the various fields of expertise including:

- Microfluidic models of organs

- Cell line cultures (intesinal, neural),

- Primary cultures of central nervous system cells

- Tissue and cell imaging

- In vitro environmental availability tests

- In vitro bioaccessibility test

- Relative bioavailability,

- Absolute bioavailability and toxicokinetics

- Evaluation of cognitive functions in mouse models.


Equipment of the platform: funding A2F - UL - L2A - LIBio - AGROVALOR

- Cell culture facilities for microfluidic models of organs

- Two cell culture facilities for culture of cell lines (CaCO2, HT29X, etc.) and for primary culture of cells (cells isolated from the central nervous system)

- Imaging facility (cryostat, confocal and laser dissection microscopes)

- Sample preparation facilities (freeze-dryers, mills...)

Visits and training of scientists:

Students (from L1 to PhD students) as well as research partners are able to work/train at the platform, within the context of research projects.


Technology transfer to professionals:

The in vivo validation of a bioaccessibility test (Denys et al., 2012 published in EST) for 3 metallic trace elements in the soil (As, Cd, Pb) conducted on the Bio-DA platform has been the subject of ISO standardization:

ISO 17924:2018 test: Soil quality - Assessment of human exposure from ingestion of soil and soil material - Procedure for the estimation of the human bioaccessibility/bioavailability of metals in soil.


Contact Information :

Platform Bioavailability Bioactivity (Bio-DA) - ENSAIA - 2 avenue de la Forêt de Haye - 54500 VANDOEUVRE-LES-NANCY ,

Access Plan

École Nationale Supérieure d'Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires (ENSAIA)

Université de Lorraine - ENSAIA
2 avenue de la Forêt de Haye
BP 20163
54505 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex

