Yannick LEDORE
Ingénieur(e) d'études
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies - Nancy
Université de Lorraine
+33 (0)3 72 74 50 71This partnership supported by Lorraine Université d'Excellence (LUE, UL) between the University of Lorraine and the University of Namur studies the effects of domestication and polyculture on fish welfare and reproduction in aquaculture. Its aim is to understand the evolution of fish during domestication and the consequences of combining fish species in polyculture to facilitate aquaculture diversification. This partnership brings together the complementary skills and resources of USC L2A (Université de Lorraine), URBE (Université de Namur), UMR IAM (Université de Lorraine) and Bangladesh Agricultural University.)
More infosAquaserv is a European project gathering 34 partners from 6 European research infrastructures with a total funding of 14,15 millions euros under the coordination of the Centro Ciencas do Mar do Algarve (CCMAR). For L2A, the objectif is to share the European aquaculture research infrastructures and to multiply interactions between researchers and technicians in aquaculture research.
More infosChevalier, C., Denis, C., Nedjar, S., Ledore, Y., Silvestre, F., Schaerlinger, B., Milla, S.
Biological Research, 57 (67), pp. 1-15.
Colchen, T., Ledore, Y., Fontaine, P., Teletchea, F., Pasquet, A.
Aquaculture, 575 (article), 739756, pp. 1-8.
Bernath, G., Milla, S., Varkonyi, L., Ledore, Y., Griffits, J.D., Fontaine, P., Urbanyi, B., Bokor, Z.
Theriogenology, 185, pp. 127-133
Thomas, M., Amoussou, N., El Manfaloti, M., Fleck, C., Ledore, Y., Pasquet, A., Lecocq, T.
Aquaculture, 559. 738438
Thomas, M., Reynaud, J-G., Ledore, Y., Pasquet, A., Lecocq, T.
Applied Sciences, 12 (7), 3674, pp.1-12
Ledore, Y., Bestin, A., Haffray, P., Morvezen, R., Alix, M., Schaerlinger, B., Fontaine, P., Chardard, D.
Aquaculture research, 52 (12), pp.6046-6051.
Milla, S., Khendek, A., Zarski, D., Ledore, Y., Ben Ammar, I., Fontaine, P.
Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries, 1 (1), pp. 51-59.
Zarski, D., Krol, J., Ledore, Y., Sarosiek, B., Dryl, K., Gomulka, P., Palinska-Zarska, L., Toomey, L., Fontaine, P., Milla, S.
Animal, 15(9) 100340 (pp. 1-10).
Chevalier, C., Praion, M., Lambert, S., Ledore, Y., Lecocq, T., Shahjahan, M.-D., Silvestre, F., Milla, S., Schaerlinger, B.
3nd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, 26-30 juillet, Montréal, Canada
Milla, S., Denis, C., Nedjar, S., Ledore, Y., Silvestre, F., Schaerlinger, B., Chevalier, C.
3nd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, 26-30 juillet, Montréal, Canada
Ledore, Y., Thomas, M.
Collogue de la ComAqua - AFSTAL, 18 octobre, Lyon, France
Chevalier, C., Praion, M., Ledore, Y., Lecocq, T., Silvestre, F., Schaerlinger, B., Milla, S.
8ème Journée de la Recherche, Filière Piscicole, 02-03 juillet, Rennes, France
Lecocq, T., Chevalier, C., Praion, M., Leclerc, T., Shahjahn, M.-D., Ledore, Y., Silvestre, F., Schaerlinger, B., Milla, S.
AQUA2024, 26-30 août, Copenhague, Denmark
Al Dakdouki, S., Fontaine, P., Ledore, Y., Nivelle, R., Changey, F.
European Aquaculture Society EAS, 18-21 septembre, Vienne, Autriche
Bernath, G., Milla, S., Várkonyi, L., Ledore, Y., Griffitts, J.D., Fontaine, P., Urbányi, B., Bokor, Z.
Aquaculture Europe 2023, 19-21 septembre, Vienne, Autriche
Schaerlinger, B., Fontagne-dicharry, S., Gasmi, S., Durante-alami, H., Ledore, Y., Fontaine, P., Nahon, S., Chardard, D.
12th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, 15-19 mai, Crete, Greece
Al Dakdouki, S., Nivelle, R., Ledore, Y., Changey, F., Fontaine, P.
Séminaire LéCOMICS, 21 décembre, Nancy, France
Ledore, Y., Thomas, M.
Journée ComAqua, AFSTAL, 18 octobre, Lyon, France
Fourrier, C., Senff, P., Changey, F., Mathieu, L., Abs al rahim, S., Ledore, Y., Milla, S., Charpentier, N., Fontaine, P.
5th International Percid Fish Symposium - Percis V, 18-23 septembre, Ceske Budejovice, République Tchèque