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In line with the wide range of regional (Région Grand Est, CPER, LUE), national (ADEME, ANR, ANSES, FEAMPA, OFB) and international (INTERREG, H2020, HORIZON) funding sources, our laboratory develops its research projects through close collaboration with numerous local (IAM, CREM, LCPME), national partners (CIRAD, Ecole Vétérinaire de Nantes, Université des Antilles), in particular with INRAE (UR ASSET/PTEA, UMR SAS, UMR ToxAlim, UMR InTheRes, UMR NuMéA), and international partners (Belgian Universities of Liège and Namur, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University). International collaborations are strengthened by the unit's involvement in cooperation programmes promoting the mobility of foreign researchers (e.g. AquaExcel 3.0 and AquaServ programmes).


