Published on 09/12/2022
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of our colleague Cyril Feidt, research professor at URAFPA and ENSAIA.
"Professor Cyril Feidt was a dedicated professor at ENSAIA and UL and a true ambassador for higher education and public research. During his last twenty years, he passionately devoted himself to leading his research team "Micropollutants and Residues in the Food Chain" within the UR AFPA. His scientific collaborations were numerous and diversified. His team benefited from his charisma and drive throughout these years. It is also with passion that he always shared his knowledge and experience with the students of the ENSAIA. His scientific expertise was widely sought after in the ANSES expert committees (CES RCCP and ERCA) and at conferences. He was expected at the international symposium on Chlordecone from 12 to 16 December in Guadeloupe for several interventions, which he had been keen to carry out until the last few weeks. Prof. Cyril Feidt also knew how to feast and his many bursts of laughter still resound ...
Science and Public Policy Support are losing a lot of weight, as well as the UR AFPA, the ENSAIA and its students. His close collaborators have lost a faithful friend.
Guido Rychen, URAFPA teacher-researcher, Director of ENSAIA
Published on 08/12/2022
A large part of the MRCA team will travel to Guadeloupe for the conference, which will be held from 12 to 14 December 2022. This will be an opportunity for the team to present its work in the form of 10 posters and 3 oral presentations. The conference is organised by the National Scientific Steering Committee (CPSN) and the Local Coordination of Research on Chlordecone in the Antilles (CLoReCA) of the Chlordecone IV plan. The team's work will also be presented during the workshop on 15 and 16 December in Guadeloupe and Martinique on "Securing terrestrial animal production in contaminated areas: scientific advances and concrete applications".
For more information: lien vers le site du colloque
Published on 29/11/2022
The Scientific Steering Committee of the ZARG (Zone Atelier Environnementale Rurale en Argonne, recently labelled by the CNRS), took place on the 25th November in Charleville Mézières. This was an opportunity for MRCA members to present the results of a preliminary study on the contamination of roe deer, conducted jointly with colleagues from ICMR and CERFE.
Read morePublished on 29/11/2022
The international congress of ecology and evolution of the three learned societies: SFE² (French Society of Ecology and Evolution), GfÖ
(Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and EEF (European Federation of Ecology) was held from 21 to 25 November 2022 in Metz (
Published on 26/11/2022
Nellya will defend her thesis on December 8th 2022 in the "salle des actes" in the faculty of Sciences. The theis entitled "Development of a decison support tool for the choice of the association of fish species in aquaculture" has been supervised by Marielle Thomas, Thomas Lecocq and Alain Pasquet (URAFPA, DAC).
The jury is :
Emmanuelle ROQUE D'ORBCASTEL, Researcher IFREMER
Carole ROUGEOT Head of works, Liège Univesity
Stéphane BETOULLE, Professor, Reims University
Elisabeth GROSS, Professor, Lorraine University
Patrick KESTEMONT, Professor, Namur University
Christophe ROBIN, Professor, Lorraine University
Jean-Lichel MORTILLARO, Researcher, CIRAD
You can find here the URL of connexion in case you attend to assist the defence by videoconference.
See the linked documentPublished on 10/11/2022
Maxime VIGIER will defend his thesis on december 12, 2022, co-supervised by Catherine MALAPLATE (URAFPA, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France) and Thierry OSTER (URAFPA, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France).
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