Published on 27/04/2023
After a validation phase in 2021-2022, the OAD INSSICCA, allowing to predict the time necessary to decontaminate a bovine from its serum chlordecone level, was presented on 18 and 19 April 2023 in Martinique.
This training course, commissioned by the DGAL and conducted by members of the MRCA team, brought together the DAAF 971 and 972, the Martinique and Guadeloupe Health Watch organisations (GDSM and Sanigwa), the 971 and 972 prefectures and the coordination of the National Chlordecone IV Plan.
Published on 17/04/2023
On April 12th, URAFPA hosted in the experimental platform in aquaculture a pratical work lesson from the Lorraine Unveristy Orion "Osez la recherche" device. This facility allows volunteer students from bachelor 2 to master 2 level to discover research careers and associated skills. Nine Life Sciences bachelor students could thus increase awareness of rights and duties regarding the use of animals in research, and deliberate on the setting up of a behavioural test on zebrafish.
Published on 28/03/2023
As part of the "confs de bio" initiated by the Museum Aquarium of Nancy for the general public, the scientists of URAFPA hold a lecture series on farming one wednesday by month in the amphitheatre of the Museum Aquarium. The three first lectures have been held by Dominique Chardard, Fabrice Teletchea and Stefan Jurjanz on human/animal relations, fish-farming and domestication. The three next will be provided by Pascal Fontaine, Yves Leroux and Dominique Chardard on the divesrity of aquaculture systems, the future of farming and agro-ecology in aquaculture.
complete program on :
Published on 24/03/2023
Congratulations to Perrine Stephan who won first prize at the SIReNa doctoral school's scientific day on 21 March 2023 with an oral presentation on "Amending chlordecone-contaminated soils with Sargasso biochar: an effective solution to limit its transfer to laying hens and piglets?".
The day was very dense and was organised around the presentation of 17 oral presentations and 33 posters (programme).
Congratulations again!
Published on 12/01/2023
On 14 December, a last workshop of dissemination of the results obtained in the framework of Perciponie INTERREG project has been held in the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce. Forty people attended this meeting. This project under the coordination of URAFPA dealt with the developement of percids farming in aquapony. The socioéconomic partners involved in Perciponie are willing to set a new project up. To be continued.
Published on 03/01/2023
le colloque pluridisciplinaire Chlordécone, connaître pour agir a permis de faire le point sur les connaissances scientifiques, les actions entreprises, mais aussi de partager des résultats de recherche et de favoriser les approches interdisciplinaires. Le colloque s'est déroulé autour de trois axes :
Ces trois grandes sessions ont été complétées par des ateliers et visites sur le terrain. En fin de journée, le mardi 13 décembre, une séance de travail a réuni les scientifiques et les professionnels de santé pour échanger sur les différents dispositifs en place, les recherches en cours et les prochains résultats attendus. (entre 4 et 10 mn)