Published on 08/09/2023
Researchers from the UR-AFPA and their partners from the UMR Génomique Métabolique (Genoscope/CEA-Institut de biologie François Jacob) have published a study in the journal "Science of The Total Environment" demonstrating the role of methanisation under high-temperature conditions in the biodegradation of chlordecone..
Read morePublished on 03/09/2023
The international congress of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) was held in Lyon from 28 to 31 August 2023 ( This year it was a congress co-organised with the World Association for Animal Production (WAAP) and Interbull.
Two oral presentations were given on the work carried out by the MRCA team.
Published on 16/05/2023
Perrine Stephan, Joachim Thiébaut and Gaspard Conseil, doctoral students in the MRCA team, will participate in the Pint of Science Festival on 23 May at La Taverne de l'Irlandais, 8 rue Mazagran in Nancy.
Read morePublished on 16/05/2023
In an effort to preserve knowledge and transfer skills, three members of the MRCA team (D. Banas, C. Soligot-Hognon and G. Conseil) spent three days at the Institute of Analytical Sciences (ISA) - UMR 5280.
Read morePublished on 16/05/2023
At the beginning of May, Gaspard had the opportunity to represent the UR AFPA collective during a one-week stay in Dublin, in the framework of the 33rd edition of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). A poster presenting a risk assessment approach applied to pesticide transformation products and fauna in the aquatic environment was presented. Enriching meetings and feedback and good prospects!
Published on 28/04/2023
Nellya has defended her doctoral thesis in december and has just been hired as project manager by a NGO, the Institut Européen de Coopération et de Développement (IECD). She is going to work on pond fish farming development operations in the Pointe Noire region in Congo. Whishing you well and many beautiful success Nellya !